imperfect places

Work in progress, school extension project . 2022

with Andrea Maria Moronato (team leader) and Marta Bertoldo

According to site conditions, the main classrooms exposure is to East.

The project required a special shading roof, its architectural composition was suggested by a 3D sun/building modeling.

Work in progress, a Gym . 2021

The little Gym is a shell-shaped structure with aluminium shingles coating.

The project faces current hard building market context and the increase in row materials prices. Sustainability required prefabrication solutions, too.

The Gym will be built up in the next months.

Sous les pavés, la plage! . First day of Spring 2020

In 2015 children of two schools had been involved to develop the main square of the village and invited to investigate the urban and social transformations of their little agricoltural centre. According to the imagination of a child, the square would had been once a wide common lawn. The redesign of a Garden/Square remained on paper.

This violent and mournful crisis of a system will force us – at least while we are queuing at the supermarket – to deal with lost practices and values: solidarity, subsidiarity, and more materially, growing vegetables in the garden, raising hens in the yard?

Sous les pavés, la plage! In 1968 it was discovered that there could be a beach under the cobblestones of Paris. Today it would be enough that under the asphalt and the concrete of our suburbs there still had remained some topsoil.

A Hut . 2019

a hut is a pocket of resistence hidden in the hills

a hut’s aestethics are mostly ethics

a hut intensifies experience by simplifying it

the hut’s two rooms: inside/outside

Alec Finlay

Questa proposta è dedicata ai quattro brevi versi di Alec Finlay riportati in epigrafe. Vi si possono trovare infatti le principali ragioni e specifiche del progetto di concorso.

La FORMA della resilienza: una capanna, la sua estetica è etica.

Il suo LINGUAGGIO: la semplificazione, intensificare l’esperienza semplificandola.

La sua MISURA: due stanze, interno ed esterno.

La capanna ha un impianto ellittico allineato secondo la linea di minor resistenza al vento ed ha uno sviluppo prevalentemente verticale, quale è il naturale orientamento degli alberi.
Al suo interno si trova una scala elicoidale realizzata con tronchi lavorati: alla maniera di quando si usava arrampicare sugli alberi, conduce semplicemente ad un punto più alto.

Concorso di idee per installazioni dedicate al tema della resilienza e della rinascita da realizzarsi con alberi caduti a seguito della tempesta Vaia nel Parco di Levico Terme.

Progetto selezionato per la fase finale, non vincitore.

At school . 2019


“Vivaio” is an italian word meaning “Nursery”. It comes from the latin noun “Vivarium” and for centuries it had meant only the water pool for farming fishes: “Il lucido Vivajo onde il giardino si cinge intorno” (Ludovico Ariosto), in XVIII c. it was finally associated to the contemporary meaning.

In German Language the utilitarian “vivaio” has been raised to the rank of a pedagogical istitution as “Baumschule” (compound noun, Baum=Tree + Schule=School), extensively: the School of the Trees.


The swarm of little oaks comes from the “School” of the Regional Nursery of the Centro Biodiversità Vegetale e Fuori Foresta di Veneto Agricoltura , and it is currently on a class trip.

Still Life in the Garden . 2019

Conclusus . 2019

An imperfect place . 2018

The short abstract of this proposal for the 2019 Oslo Architecture Triennale desires to leave for next generations pages where the main text might remain unwritten and open to the world of possibilities.

The proposal investigates Imperfect Places, so much beloved by childrens as dreaded by adults, developing a partecipatory trial-barley-field in a green area of Oslo during Summertime, and then leaving the results free to visitors and citizens.

The aim is to collect experiences to join the Library: food, straw constructions, selfmade games and toys and whatever diverges from what we could find, ready-made, in our town, home, playground.

Tracks . 2018

The installation shows the imprint of a human body lying on a squared clump of ripe wheat, it has been exposed at the Fabbrica Alta Garden in Schio in June 2018.

As a garden module with cornfield annuals, it provides new opportunities to manage the grasslands for public and urban wildlife benefit.


Not to scale (readymade) . 2021

WT . 2019

plaster, beechwood

Venezia . 2019

metal sheet, paint, wood

Layers . 2015

cardboard, wood, plexiglas

Erlwein Speicher . Hamburg/Dresden

cardboard, wood

Area Ceneri . Marghera

lead, copper, tin, plaster

urban landscape

Villa Bassi Rathgeb . Abano Terme

Villa Bassi Rathgeb Park . Abano Terme

Church Square . Campolongo Maggiore

Exposition’s Design . Atrium of Liviano . Padova

San Nicola Courtyard . Vicenza


2017 . Central Areas . Vò . 3rd prize (20)

2012 . Duomo square . Rossano Veneto . honorable mention (16)

2012 . Historical Centre . Valstagna . 2nd prize (16)

2012 . Historical Centre and Park of the Castle . Spilamberto . shortlisted 4th prize (16)

2010 . Kennedy square . Ravenna . 5th prize (13)

2010 . Central Area . Megliadino San Vitale . 3rd prize (13)

2009 . Redesign Marianna di Savoia Building . Galliera V.ta . 1st prize (14)

2009 . Central Area . Noventa di Piave . 1st prize (13)

2009 . Urban Centre . Piombino Dese . honorable mention (9)

2008 . European Institut for the Mountains Building . Roana . honorable mention (12)

2007 . Cusignana square . Giavera del Montello . 1st prize (11)

2006 . San Pio X square . Tombolo . 1st prize (11)

2006 . School extension . Taglio di Po . honorable mention (9)

2006 . Theater building . Montebello Vicentino . 3rd prize (10)

2005 . Municipium square . Fontanelle . 2nd prize (9)

2003 . Unità d’Italia square . Borgo Tossignano . 1st prize (8)

2002 . Redesign Incompiuta building . Brendola . 1st prize ex aequo (7)

2002 . Libertà square . Cormons . 2nd prize (6)

1998 . Central areas Faè and Rustignè . Oderzo . honorable mention (3)

1997 . Cendon historical centre . Silea . honorable mention (2)

1997 . Mazzini square . Monselice . 1st prize (1)


2016 . Modular design for expositions . Liviano’s Atrium . Padova (19)

2016 . Rededign Municipium square . Tombolo (19)

2015 . New roof for the Spedale dei Mendicanti . Venezia (18)

2015 . Santa Maria Assunta square . Campolongo Maggiore (17)

2011/2008 . Villa Bassi Rathgeb park . Abano Terme

2011 . Urban plan of the historical Centre of Marocco . Mogliano (15)

2006 . San Pio X square . Tombolo (9)

2004/2003 . Matteotti square . Anguillara Veneta (9)

2004 . Unità d’Italia square . Borgo Tossignano (8)

2002/1996 . Villa Bassi Rathgeb . Abano Terme (5)

1998 . San Nicola courtyard . Vicenza (4)

1997 . Mazzini square . Monselice (1)

The notes refer to the different compositions of the workgroup: (20) with Andrea Maria Moronato, Giuseppe Panozzo, Luca Zecchin, Francesca Cariolato . (19) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Luca Zecchin . (18) with Alessandro Targa, Giuseppe Panozzo, Luca Zecchin . (17) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Luca Zecchin, Andrea Merlo . (16) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Luca Zecchin, Matteo Fioranzato . (15) with Riccardo Mietto, Luca Zecchin . (14) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Luca Zecchin, Alberto Campaci . (13) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Luca Zecchin . (12) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Luca Zecchin, Riccardo Mietto . (11) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Ivano Tregnaghi . (10) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Alberto Campaci, Ivano Tregnaghi . (9) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli . (8) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Riccardo Mietto . (7) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli, Lambert Rosenbusch, Peter H. Wilkens . (6) with Giuseppe Panozzo, Riccardo Romanelli . (5) with Giorgio Grazian, Barbara Patanè, Paolo Brentel . (4) with Giuseppe Panozzo . (3) with Gianpaolo Villari, Stefano Doardo . (2) with Riccardo Romanelli . (1) with Riccardo Romanelli, Fiorella Carraro, Stefano Doardo, Marco Venturini . I apologize for any unwanted error that I invite to report to me






Rain and Latemar

“keep with you your history”

Hamburg, 14th December 2018

With my friend and maestro architect Peter Wilkens on the occasion of a new start


October 2019 . New studio in Padova with architect Andrea Maria Moronato

arch. Roberto Giannerini

via Cesare Battisti 54

35121 Padova

P.iva 03269560284

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